Prices have been stable for a while, but they are beginning to edge up again now.
Inflation is not about to spiral upwards but with diminishing spare capacity, it could edge up.
To keep an edge up on the competition, you need to do new things and do things differently.
They line roads and streams and hem in the woods and surround towns, and they crowd into back yards and edge up to gas stations.
In Europe joblessness has grown fastest in places such as Spain and Ireland, where building booms have crashed, but has only begun to edge up elsewhere.
With an index of leading indicators for the British economy compiled by the OECD now starting to edge up, hopes are rising that the worst of the recession may be over.
They found this site at the edge of a desert in Turkmenistan, in central Asia, where a series of mounds rise up from the plains.
At the edge of darkness, after about eight hours, I turned around and saw the Earth from our altitude at Hubble, 568 kilometers up.
He looked around, not just up the road but toward the homestead and edge of the woods.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off.
The button has moved so that its right edge is lined up with the label (see figure 20).
But, teetering on the edge, she managed to haul herself up to finish off her routine.
For the most convincing look, assume the light source to be at the top left of the page - the shadow should simply be a thick grey line along the bottom and up the right edge of your shape.
Up front, the glass runs edge to edge and there is an indicator light in the top right corner that alerts you to new emails and a assortment of other things.
Sterling is beginning to lose a bit of its competitive edge against the euro as Europe's troubles pile up.
Add a little extra touch to the stroke by drawing a 1px line with the Pencil Tool vertically up the entire edge.
Melt along the southern edge of Greenland's ice sheet is now moving up its northwest coast, a new study shows.
It may help to tilt one edge of the box up to ensure a firm hold.
Good news at last, it seems, and not before time: sterling is beginning to lose a bit of its competitive edge against the euro as Europe's troubles pile up.
However in edge use cases, you might want to manually create indexes to speed up certain operations.
The bridge can't be seen from a distance because the ground and the water come all the way up to its edge.
Walking East may take you off a cliff, while walking South may only take you along its gently sloping edge. West would take you up a steep hill, and North leads to level ground.
The ridge is formed primarily from marine sediments scraped off the top of the Australia plate and piled up on top of the leading edge of the Sunda Plate.
Down near the station was a canal, or perhaps it was a river, hidden away under a yellow sky, with little shacks pasted slap up against the rising edge of the Banks.
Wallpaper always emphasizes high ceilings, and hanging large pieces of art from the edge of the ceiling will again bring the focus up.
Regulators are looking to gain an edge, too, by stepping up their data-mining efforts.
You can get lost in the tallgrass right up to Kaziranga's southern edge, but just beyond you're among kids, dogs, chickens, milk goats, and miles of rice fields.
You can get lost in the tallgrass right up to Kaziranga's southern edge, but just beyond you're among kids, dogs, chickens, milk goats, and miles of rice fields.