He served under Edward Heath in the 1970s.
Edward heath, zealous for his European relationship, was increasingly absorbed by domestic crisis.
Before Humphrey, the best known was Wilberforce who lived at No. 10 during the Edward Heath years, and who died in 1988.
When British Prime Minister Edward Heath took Britain into the Common Market in 1973, the country thought it was entering a free-trade agreement.
Mr Edward Heath, who roared like a lion last February, now coos like a dove-offering consultation and co-operation with Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all.
Edward Heath became Prime Minister when Labor was upset in the 1970 election, and Thatcher was soon named Secretary of State for Education and Science, where she gained a reputation for toughness.
Edward Heath became Prime Minister when Labor was upset in the 1970 election, and Thatcher was soon named Secretary of State for Education and Science, where she gained a reputation for toughness.