On June 3, 1964, Edward White became the first American astronaut to perform a spacewalk, otherwise known as an extra-vehicular activity (EVA), going outside this Gemini iv capsule for 20 minutes.
Edward flashes his white teeth plenty of times, but at no point do we ever see his fangs.
The black and white dog, a gift from Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, will make his big debut Tuesday afternoon.
Elizabeth died the first winter, and Edward remarried to the widowed Mrs. Susanna White, on 12 May 1621 — the first marriage in the Plymouth Colony.
Anthropologist Edward Smith recalls that when he worked as a White House speechwriter, there was a rule against wearing the White House tag after work.
Anthropologist Edward Smith recalls that when he worked as a White House speechwriter, there was a rule against wearing the White House tag after work.