Edwin Aldrin would just have been the second guy on the moon; Buzz Aldrin is the ur-spaceman, if not quite declaring, "To infinity and beyond", convinced that eventually we can get pretty close.
埃尔文·奥尔德林不过是那个第二个登上月球的家伙;而巴兹·奥尔德林则是高喊着“飞向宇宙,浩瀚无垠”(译注:Toinfinityand beyond,动画人物巴斯光年的惯用语)的太空飞人,他坚信茫茫太空,我们终将抵达。
He remained in lunar ORBIT while APOLLO PROJECT astronauts NEIL A. ARMSTRONG and EDWIN e. BUZZ "ALDRIN, JR., became the first human beings to walk on the Moon's surface."
在阿波罗计划的宇航员尼尔。A .阿姆斯特朗和埃德温。E.巴子·小奥尔德林成为首次在月球表面行走的人的同时,他正停留在月球轨道上。
He remained in lunar ORBIT while APOLLO PROJECT astronauts NEIL A. ARMSTRONG and EDWIN e. BUZZ "ALDRIN, JR., became the first human beings to walk on the Moon's surface."
在阿波罗计划的宇航员尼尔。A .阿姆斯特朗和埃德温。E.巴子·小奥尔德林成为首次在月球表面行走的人的同时,他正停留在月球轨道上。