It's an effective means of communication.
Another effective means of communication is informal whiteboard meetings.
Texting is perhaps the most effective means of mass communication in Pakistan: two of every three Pakistanis have a mobile phone and the cost of sending an SMS is among the cheapest in the world.
Travel for business shall be normally arranged within 30 consecutive days and by suitable means of communication arranged in the most cost effective manner possible.
In the history of ancient Chinese commication, the means of communication that Confucianists in the Pre Qin Days took were original and effective.
The national propaganda as the base, effective communication means will be carried out to key areas and key audience, for the purpose of presenting leisure industries with local characteristics.
Being a part of a diet community has been proven as an effective means to aid weight loss efforts. The communication between members of Diet. com has increased, creating unique personal relationships.
Being a part of a diet community has been proven as an effective means to aid weight loss efforts. The communication between members of Diet. com has increased, creating unique personal relationships.