That's something that doesn't matter, either to you or me.
People either drive me away or avoid me when they see me. You must be the happiest bird on the planet.
Notice: there's no third way - either I am your god, you serving me; or you serving some other gods.
Either you take me now as I am, or I'll go to Avigdor from the rival paper, or somewhere else.
Either I jump on my horse, or I take my bicycle or my motorcycle or my car and you see me being accelerated in this direction.
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But what I would suggest you do is establish some contact with us, either with me or with any of the teaching fellows, and I'll introduce the teaching fellows sometime next week.
Most people think of forgiveness as "black and white;" either you forgive me or you don't.
In the view of Darwinists, these men are either competing for women directly (" You looking at my girl, Jimmy? ") or competing for status (" You dissing me, man? ").
You were telling me last week that you either wanted to be released or killed.
You've either done research on our previous relationship or you want me to fill you in on that.
You can either participate in this madness, by recruiting on campus, which is a good thing, don't get me wrong, or you can subvert it, by trying to get great kids a year or two before they graduate.
You can't honestly tell me that dieting is the best thing ever. We diet not because we wholeheartedly want to. It's because we either want something or it's a necessity.
Notice in both cases you tell me that gravity is always in the opposite direction of either your pull or your push.
I'm aware of that and you're not going to change my mind — either you book me in to be castrated or I'll simply go to another doctor.
Yes, I believe he does. You can tell him that he can reach me either at the office or at home.
He owns a 10 to 20 billion dollar property company and he said to me, "mark, so in three kinds of companies, you know, you either own a market, you dominate the market or you lead the market."
"Either you come down immediately or I'll take your daughter to the committee," one of them shouted at aunt Badri as she grabbed me by the wrist.
Here again you can choose whether your character will be a slasher (warrior like me), sharpshooter (with bows and arrows), or a magician that throws either lightning, fire, or ice.
I especially encourage you to ask questions during the lectures, either to have me clarify points or to explore topics of interest to you.
To all these people, you think you're going to get me either killed or leave office.
Depending upon who's version of the story you hear, he either owes me 20 dollars or his new Volkswagen. [laughter] So, I'll take the car.
Either he's dead or alive. What makes me believe he's dead, is the way you restricted to write much about his actions and personality. very smart.
I'm not going to have you ambushing me, either physically or verbally.
I don't want to force you either to marry me or to do the other thing.
Roy:Durkon, either you have some tenuous grasp on what's going on, or you've gone stark raving mad. Please tell me it's the former.
I do assure you that the news does not affect me either with pleasure or pain.
I do assure you that the news does not affect me either with pleasure or pain.