My chief purpose is not to effect a change in the electoral vote of the Southern States.
However, the PAN has also begun to compromise its principles in less savoury ways: Mr Calderón was censured by the electoral authorities for giving a televised address 19 days before the vote.
Buhari's party wants Nigeria's electoral tribunal to force the electoral commission to hand over materials that it says will allow the party to prove scientifically that the vote was stolen.
Given the delays in announcing the result and the closeness of the electoral council's five-to-three vote, many horses were likely traded in its back rooms this week.
Abdullah Abdullah, Mr Karzai's rival in the run-off vote, has set a deadline of October 31st for the overhaul of the country's electoral institutions.
Foreigners can be mistreated without electoral consequence, since they cannot vote.
Mr Annan has apparently ruled out a recount of the vote on the ground that Kenyans have lost confidence in their electoral commission.
The immediate question will be whether he chooses to endorse any of the primary candidates ahead of the October vote—and whether any of them would consider it an electoral asset if he did.
Electoral observers from the Carter Center and the Economic Community of West African States say the vote was largely free and fair.
The electoral commission says 7.5 million people have registered to vote, just over one-third of the country's population.
He said the Electoral College should delay its vote until its members can receive information from the Central Intelligence Agency about Russia's effect on the election.
In most election years, the Electoral College votes are a routine part of the process. The people who vote usually follow the popular vote in their state.
The Electoral Commission warns against doing it inside the polling station, even if it's about your own vote. Elsewhere you are free to publicise your vote.
Thee Electoral Commission warns against doing it inside the polling station, even if it's about your own vote. Elsewhere you are free to publicise your vote.
Yulia Tymoshenko, the losing candidate in a vote internationally recognised as fair, presented Ukraine's administrative court with evidence of what she said was widespread electoral fraud.
He says the electoral commission has organized a vote that is credible, dignified and transparent.
In their final report on the vote, the Commonwealth observers are calling for timely prosecution to end the culture of impunity for those who commit electoral offenses.
Meanwhile, an online petition that has been set up to demand that the Electoral College vote in favour of Hillary Clinton has gathered three million signatures, the Express. Co. UK reported.
The Electoral Commission warns against doing it inside the polling station, even if it's about your own vote.
The decision to extend was taken to make sure everyone would be able to vote according to electoral commission.
Mr Gbagbo had accused the electoral commission of registering more than 400,000 people who were not eligible to vote because they were foreigners.
But due to historical reasons, special conditions and other factors for a long time, the electoral law provided a differential provisions of the right to vote of urban and rural citizens.
Electoral commission had previously acknowledged some technical mistakes on the first day of the vote.
Electoral commission had previously acknowledged some technical mistakes on the first day of the vote.