In the electrical stimulation therapy, the parameters of electric stimulator are selected and controlled on basis of analyzing and processing EMG signal. So it can get the best treatment effects.
The nanotube sheathing improves the signals received and transmitted by electrodes, which researchers say is a potentially critical step for advancing electrical nerve stimulation therapy.
The control group was treated routinely. Besides routine therapy the treated group was treated with median nerve electrical stimulation.
The control group were treated routinely. Besides routine therapy the treated group were treated with median nerve electrical stimulation.
Objective To study the effect of synthesis rehabilitation therapy (included electrical stimulation and joint mobilization)on recovery of frozen shoulder.
The patients in the control group were treated with routine therapy. Besides the routine therapy, the patients in the treated group were treated with median nerve electrical stimulation.
The patients in the control group were treated with routine therapy. Besides the routine therapy, the patients in the treated group were treated with median nerve electrical stimulation.