In 2006, 90% of parents said that their children younger than 2 consumed some form of electronic media.
They turn to electronic media such as television, computers, the Internet, videos, CDs and audio equipment, which can provide them with instant self-entertainment at the push of a button.
A new electronic media law in Saudi Arabia will require all online news sites to register.
Electronic media woke them up once a night, when they were texted or called by a friend.
The use of Roman Numbers as Ordinal Numbers in Chinese electronic media is currently nonstandard.
At least since the invention of television, critics have warned that electronic media would destroy reading.
Part of the problem is that electronic media are making it too easy to compile dictionaries like "U."C.L.A..
His three great albums will last as long as electronic media continues to exist, while the dross is forgotten.
Emcees of electronic media should pay attention to the role cultivating and the shaping of personal charm.
The nature of the Internet and other electronic media may also affect any function available on this website.
She bemoans the way electronic media, with their demand for spectacle and brevity, have shortened our attention spans.
"With the proliferation of electronic media, there are many more opportunities for children to be exploited," she says.
But a recent survey found that 90 percent of parents said their children watch some sort of screen from electronic media.
We may turn increasingly to video conferencing or other kinds of electronic media in order to avoid having to travel.
But these paper and electronic media have very limited space, which is only for the articles of very excellent people.
That would use the power of electronic media to solve its own riddle, by ending the myth that news content is provided free.
The depth report is advantageous for the plane media in comparison with the electronic media such as TV, radio and Internet.
Work, family and other commitments rouse people early, while computers, TV and other electronic media keep people awake late at night.
Baby Einstein, founded in 1997, was one of the earliest players in what became a huge electronic media market for babies and toddlers.
CQ Press is a division of SAGE, which publishes journals, books, and electronic media for academic, educational and professional markets.
CQ Press是美国SAGE学术出版集团的一个分支机构,该集团主要出版学术、教育和专业类期刊、图书及电子刊物。
Digitization and various forms of electronic media, some critics say, are rendering the printed text as obsolete as the writing quill.
Being in an electronic media-flourishing age, having a thorough grasp of these main conceptions is an essential topic to education research.
In all electronic media, especially when typed on the small screens of mobile handsets, absolutely anything, linguistically speaking, seems to go.
So immersed are modern children in the electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books.
This is the first of two columns on electronic media use by children and adolescents. Next week: Parents' role in children's use of electronics.
This is the first of two columns on electronic media use by children and adolescents. Next week: Parents' role in children's use of electronics.