We need to tweak our UI-embed code slightly.
It can also be easily embedded into a website or blog by using the included embed code.
The response to the request contains some video metadata, such as the video's author and title and the appropriate HTML embed code.
You've been seeing the embed code of a Flash object for years, but as Listing 1 shows, lengthy exposure doesn't make it any less complex.
The test code used to benchmark the speedup provided by the six SPEs available on the PS3 USES the Cell SDK to embed code and to pass data to the SPEs through the EIB.
测试代码对PS 3上的六个SPE提供的加速效果进行基准测试,它使用CellSDK嵌入代码并通过EIB将数据传递给SPE。
Finally, for OpenSocial compatible networks and applications, a link to an XML file is provided and for anywhere else you need a gadget, there's a generic embed code that can be used.
The final step is to perform a search-and-replace operation on the original body content submitted by the user, replacing each URL with either the corresponding HTML embed code or HTML hyperlink.
最后一步是在用户提交的原始内容上执行搜索和替换操作,用对应的HTML嵌入代码或 HTML 超链接替换每个URL。
As I said before, this lets you embed all your documentation next to the code that it describes, and maintain only one file.
By writing the code first, you embed your preconceptions of how the code will work, then test it.
You embed objects within other objects to form nested HTML code.
One of SourceMate's many features is providing code hints (i.e. content assist) for standard Flex metadata tags like [Embed] or [Bindable].
Step 3. Programmatically embed Crystal Reports in the JSP using JRC code, and run it on the server
Just like the desktop client above, we can embed our list of application servers into the client code. The web client contains a file called "servers.xml", which has a list of available servers.
就像桌面应用一样,我们可以把一个应用服务器列表嵌到客户端代码里,Web客户端包括一个称为Servers . XML的文件,它保存了可用服务器的列表。
And then you can grab some HTML inline frame code to embed the whole thing onto your own website for others to join, provided of course they have Lively installed.
For more information and a link to download the jQuery library, see Resources; or, as you'll see in all the sample code, you can embed the current version of the jQuery library directly.
There are two ways to become part of Plura. Developers can embed Plura technology in their applications and, consequently, the users will run Plura code on their machine.
Produced executables embed all the compiled Ruby code as well as MacRuby, statically.
Content owners across the Web can embed digg code on their own sites, so the digg button is available even off the digg site.
WSRR also lets you create user code and embed it into the WSRR profile as a plug-in, so that it is executed during processing for every object loaded or modified in WSRR.
An offline widget that you can easily embed in your web page with just a few lines of code, automatically providing the user with network feedback, sync messages, offline instructions, and more.
Since the WSDL rarely changes, many developers embed the WSDL definition into their code to avoid the overhead of getting the WSDL every time.
On the client side, it requires you either to embed run-time parameters into the service WSDL or to configure the parameters directly in your client code.
To embed a video, for example, a developer only needs to add two lines of code.
The difficulty in writing programming textbooks is getting the right balance in terms of the amount of code to embed with the pages of the book.
Finally Tomcat 7 provides a lightweight API allowing a developer to embed the container with just a few lines of code.
You embed Perl code inside Vim script using markers.
If you don't want to embed the database server password directly in your code as clear text, you might want to look at the MySQL password digest features.
If you don't want to embed the database server password directly in your code as clear text, you might want to look at the MySQL password digest features.