Many of the keitai-credit systems rely on a NFC chip called FeliCa, which was developed by Sony. This chip is embedded in both NTT DoCoMo's wallet phones and the new Pasmo system.
The paper introduces its main function and operation principle, then analyses its hardware and software using in Embedded network system base on chip S3C440BX of Samsung.
The screen is driven by a computer embedded in the headband, running Windows CE 6.0 on a Texas Instruments OMAP 3530 system-on-on-a-chip, which packs an ARM Cortex 8 core.
这套系统是由集成在头戴式设备内部的电脑来驱动的,采用的SOC芯片是德州仪器的OMAP3530,其内部集成有ARM Cortex8处理器核心.采用的操作系统则是WindowsCE6.0。
This instrument uses System on Chip FPSLIC as its core processor, RTX51 as embedded systems and large LCD as displaying, which can analyse many channels logic signals.
The design of system on programmable chip is a new and vital aspect for the research of embedded system designing.
In this paper, a novel architecture is proposed for a back-end Embedded Database Management System on Chip for lightweight computing devices.
This paper advance the way of applying the high-end embedded microprocessor chip of AT91RM9200 into the ECG monitor, and design the ECG data acquisition system based on ARM architecture.
本文提出了将高端ARM处理器芯片AT 91rm 9200应用到心电监护仪中,设计了基于ARM体系结构的心电数据采集系统。
SOPC (system on a Programmable Chip) and embedded system is the most popular conception in the electronic design field.
From the ARM Architecture, we could see that RISC has so many merits in embedded systems. And in the new trend, embedded processors will be widely used in SOC (system On Chip).
In this paper, we introduce embedded video compression and decompression system based on a chip ADV202, focus on the design of the system hardware and software process.
The embedded speech system based on the microprocessor chip is researched in this thesis.
This subject has realized an embedded system with WEB SERVER based on ARM chip and embedded operating system.
In a system, COMS data interface acted as a function module was embedded in SOC, system on CHIP is flexibly designed according to the distinct condition.
It puts forward the design flow and design issue of embedded systems based on system-on-a-programmable chip (SOPC).
NVM and analog circuits are embedded on a single chip that can incorporate multiple functions conventionally executed by a multi-chip system.
This paper presents the pulse apparatus system based on the ARM microprocessor. The system takes embedded chip S3C2410 as hardware platform.
The proposal based on USB Host/Slave controller chip CH375A, realized a USB-Host embedded in CAN bus data acquisition system and stored acquisition data of each node in U flash disk under MCU control.
This paper brought forward a design project of robot soccer controller based on embedded system. The hardware of the controller included ARM embedded chip LPC2138 used as main CPU.
This paper brought forward a design project of robot soccer controller based on embedded system. The hardware of the controller included ARM embedded chip LPC2138 used as main CPU.