Therefore, we designed an embedded USB Host system.
The USB basic character and common USB device protocol which is necessary for embedded USB host system developing is introduced detailed.
In the system, the upper layer application software for the USB embedded host in household entertainment products is designed and implemented based on USB Protocol, by resolution of DVD.
This paper, presents the of design of the file system used in the Embedded USB host is introduced.
Traditional management system of USB Host on PC are introduced in embedded instruments or devices, which makes convenience of data transport of these devices and instruments.
This study applys embedded USB HOST interface as a module to the Microprocessor and realizes the practical application of embedded USB HOST to the auto-multimedia system.
This system, which facilitates the utility of PC cameras in embedded application, is composed of MCU, USB Host Controller, high-speed RAM and FLASH memory.
此系统主要由单片机,USB主机控制器,高速RAM, FLASH存储器等器件组成,使得数码摄像头在嵌入式领域应用成为现实。
The system of USB HOST in this paper is designed to the application of embedded system, broadening the field of microprocessor application.
本文设计的USB HOST系统主要应用于嵌入式系统,以拓展微处理器的应用域。
USB host controller is being used widely in the embedded system.
US B主控制器的嵌入式应用越来越广泛。
The interface can be used in embedded system which need fast switch between USB host mode and slave mode. And it can be communicated with U disk in host mode and PC in slave mode.
The proposal based on USB Host/Slave controller chip CH375A, realized a USB-Host embedded in CAN bus data acquisition system and stored acquisition data of each node in U flash disk under MCU control.
The proposal based on USB Host/Slave controller chip CH375A, realized a USB-Host embedded in CAN bus data acquisition system and stored acquisition data of each node in U flash disk under MCU control.