I counter with another reasonable argument: that a higher minimum wage will force businesses to employ fewer people for less time.
Although pressure to recruit women directors, unlike that to employ women in the general work force, does not derive from legislation, it is nevertheless real.
Design and testing of these physical systems rely on standard design practices that employ the laws of conservation of force, mass, and energy.
Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100 workers, now employ nearly 60 percent of the work force and are expected to generate half of all new jobs between now and the year 2000.
The big American companies employ about 240, 000 workers, and their suppliers an additional 2.3 million, amounting to nearly 2 percent of the nation's work force.
If we thus acted, we should proceed from observation and experience, and should, for instance, say we habitually employ the term 'force' in such a case, and such a meaning.
Force - measuring elements employ either a cantilever beam or a column arrangement.
While the ship does employ weapons, most Jedi pilots preferred to rely on their cunning and attunement to the Force to avoid disputes and aggression.
Companies that employ a large labor force may locate to places with lower wage rates.
As a 12-year Navy veteran who taught hundreds of Sailors how to effectively employ firearms and non-lethal weapons in the use of force, I think the middle is where our lawmakers need to get, and fast.
It is difficult to employ the accustomed calibration method for the characteristic of the fingertip force sensor, and the accustomed method is not able to assure the precision.
An alternate method of calibration that is simple and accurate would be to employ a Hydraulic load cell to precisely meter the force applied to the strain gage load cell.
Human resources are the main ones of enterprises. The coal industry is one of the enterprises which employ the most Labour force. It is very rich in human resources.
But the Air Force, which knows how to employ stealth technology and evasive maneuvers when warranted, wasn't going to allow the media to lock on.
But the Air Force, which knows how to employ stealth technology and evasive maneuvers when warranted, wasn't going to allow the media to lock on.