The signing of employment contracts should abide by the general rules of contract signing.
In the past many people enjoyed life long tenure at their jobs, but today people have fixed period employment contracts.
General Manager and Management Personnel shall be employed by the Company in accordance with the terms of individual employment contracts.
On October 19th he appalled some colleagues by praising permanent employment contracts and saying he did not prize Labour mobility or flexibility.
The Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board adjudicates claims under the Employment Ordinance and in accordance with individual employment contracts.
Still, many top Gillette people chose to go, their decision eased by the large pay-offs specified in their employment contracts should the firm be taken over.
This policy is applied to all direct hire employees who have been signed employment contracts with this branch, including local employees and expatriates.
All employment contracts involving manual workers, or non-manual employees with monthly wages not exceeding $20,000, must be attested by the Commissioner for Labour.
These tips apply to writing all kinds of agreements: office leases, real estate contracts, sales agreements, employment contracts, equipment leases, prenuptial agreements.
The WHO employment site compiles a list of current vacancies and types of recruitment contracts.
Spain, which has developed a scheme for rolling over temporary contracts to provide at least some chances of employment to the young, should pay heed to the experience of Japan in the early 2000s.
In France employment on temporary contracts has fallen by a fifth.
Papers that must be signed by a new employee before employment begins. Can include employee contracts, medical forms, insurance forms, tax deduction forms, etc.
We believe that employment agreements are just labor contracts in terms of their legal nature.
The Labour Tribunal handles claims arising from contracts of employment.
The Labour Tribunal hears civil claims arising from contracts of employment.
Among them are draft laws covering labor contracts, social insurance, employment, food safety, the environment, energy conservation and responses to public emergencies.
Employees are the vulnerable ones in an employment relationship, they are forced to enter into (or sign) contracts in order to safeguard their jobs.
This paper analyzes the contractual properties of Japanese life-employment and Chinese fixed-employment system in view of implicit contracts theory.
The author collates and rearranges China's existing laws and regulations and explores such problems as the training, qualifications, employment procedures and contracts of the pilot.
The author collates and rearranges China's existing laws and regulations and explores such problems as the training, qualifications, employment procedures and contracts of the pilot.