Empty out an eyedropper and fill up it with hydrogen peroxide.
I've asked the children to empty out their drawers this weekend.
So we do this step-by step and the Shift allows us to move into a space where we can empty out a little quicker than prior years?
Such short lessons are prepared to empty out the afternoon for further more outdoor activities, which always catch out interests.
When the number of free page frames gets to a low value, the AIX kernel must empty out some locations in real memory for reuse of new pages.
Time to empty out on weekends, Friday or Sunday night to arrange for study time, but do not have these two in the evening arrangements for the learning time.
"Sometimes the customer asks us to empty out the entire refrigerator, wash everything down, and then sort through their stuff and put anything that's still edible back in," Friedman says.
When you come back from a trip, you don't want to be bringing your suitcase past the front door. You want to empty out your suitcase and all the clothing should be bagged up and get washed.
When you want to learning from someone others, first to empty out your own half bottle of water, then you can got more — Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.
当你想向别人学习前,先倒掉自己的半瓶子里的水,这样你可以得到更多- - -三人行,必有我师焉。
Therefore, whether you are a left-home person or a layperson, if you have taken refuge with me and truly have faith in me, you must reform your bad habits and faults and empty out your garbage can.
The real adventure didn't begin, however, until their Lapita descendants sailed out of sight of land, with empty horizons on every side.
I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.
He's going out with an empty-headed bimbo half his age.
Seeing my expressions, he told me that he found Michael Rogers's box was empty when he was passing out his valentines.
The man was happy, but he became angry again when he found out the box was empty.
You can now use the application to select items from your catalog, add them to your shopping cart, empty your cart, and check out.
They ignored the obvious signs of His divinity, such as the cobra that had cradled Him at birth, or His ability as a schoolboy to bring forth peppermints out of an empty bag.
When your stomach's empty, it pumps out the hormone ghrelin, to whet your appetite and get your juices flowing.
The heaviest damage so far came near the town of Columbia, N.C., near the Virginia border, where “tornadic activity” blew apart half a dozen empty mobile homes and knocked out a sewer station.
目前为止最严重的灾害发生在北卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚镇附近,靠近与弗吉尼亚的交界处。 龙卷风破坏了半打空置的移动房屋以及一个污水泵站。
But after he made payment, he placed the items back on the shelves, walking out empty handed.
And you're probably desperately trying to tune out the empty rhetoric that passes for debate over the financial-reform bill in the Senate these days.
We got to look out for the signs - empty hangers and shifty looks.
Coffins at funerals have sometimes turned out to be empty.
Steve Cushman, head of the local chamber of commerce, counts just 27 empty storefronts out of 410 along the city’s main shopping street—a rate that many cities in California would envy.
当地商会领导Steve Cushman清点该城主要商业街上空置店铺数量,结果是410间商店里有27间空置——一个让加州其他城市羡慕不已的低比率。
The children's eyes goggled as the magician pulled a rabbit out of the empty hat.
Some of the typical string-related checks would validate whether an empty string has 0 length, accessing out-of-index results in an error message or exception, and so on.
与字符串相关的一些典型的检查,会验证空字符串的长度是否为 0,访问范围超出索引是否导致错误消息或异常,等等。
Some of the typical string-related checks would validate whether an empty string has 0 length, accessing out-of-index results in an error message or exception, and so on.
与字符串相关的一些典型的检查,会验证空字符串的长度是否为 0,访问范围超出索引是否导致错误消息或异常,等等。