It dates back some 20 million years and is found only in the Yangtze. It's listed as one of the 12 most endangered animal species in the world.
Mining copper on this land will inevitably result in pollution and environmental disaster, since West Fredonia is home to several endangered animal species.
在这些地方采矿将会不可避免地导致污染和环境灾害,因为West Fredonia是很多濒危物种的栖居地。
China claims some 47 critically endangered animal species on the red List of threatened species, kept by the World Conservation Union, a voluntary organization of concerned scientists.
The biggest was the Endangered Species Act of 1973, which protects imperiled animal species from extinction.
And some of the animal cruelty designed to procure organs, tusks and other parts from (often endangered) species as quack cures and health enhancers defies description. It just goes on and on.
Cape York Peninsula, one of Australia's last frontiers and home to several hundred endangered plant and animal species, is profiled in this issue's cover story.
约克半岛海岬(Cape York Peninsula),澳大利亚几百种濒危动植物最后防线和家园之一,成为本期封面故事。
There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.
社会很少有理由做出特别的努力来挽救濒危动植物物种,尤其是在要花费大量的人力物力的情况下。 。
However, chimpanzees are highly endangered species, and size large, easy on the breeding and fed, expensive and difficult as the animal model for AIDS Research.
However, chimpanzees are highly endangered species, but also a great size, easy breeding and rearing, the cost of expensive, difficult to study as an animal model of AIDS.
The U. s. Fish and wildlife Service is concerned with the importation, trade, sale, and taking of wildlife and with protecting endangered plant and animal species.
Some 140 bird species also inhabit the valley, as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species, including the giant panda and the Sichuan takin.
Standing in Tennessee's Clinch River, a marine biologist holds three species of freshwater mussel, the most endangered animal group in North America.
In addition to the striking beauty of the landscape, the region is also noted for the fact that it is home to a number of endangered plant and animal species.
In addition to the striking beauty of the landscape, the region is also noted for the fact that it is home to a number of endangered plant and animal species.