Do you know the difference between carbon audit and energy audit before doing this questionnaire?
Because energy audit allows you to budget with real figures as opposed to estimated percentages.
If you're willing to pay for a more advanced energy audit, you'll probably see one of these gadgets.
First of all, the methods of building energy audit used in the research process of this article were introduced.
The heat loss caused by natural ventilation is very important for energy audit and air-conditioning design of buildings.
The US marines corps recently ordered an energy audit of its operations in Afghanistan, in a bid to reduce enormous fuel costs.
If you are the building owners (the building is 1000sqm), are you willing to pay $100000HKD for the Building Energy Audit in voluntary basis once in 10 years?
From the Angle of energy audit, the article analyses the energy-saving potential for a ferroalloy enterprise on product structure, production technology and energy management.
For example, regulators in the state of Victoria in Australia require all large emitters to have a compulsory energy audit and undertake any recommendations that have a three-year payback or less.
It can, for example, audit a company's energy use and suggest improvements that will then pay for themselves out of savings.
Voluntarily enforce GHG (Green House Gas) inventory audit, control, and reduction. Promote material reduction, recycling and reuse. Setting energy targets, regular self-assessment.
The model is able either to simulate and calculate material and energy balance over the process, or to audit a single facility.
Presents the theory behind, basic structure and operation mode of a new portable audit test instrument for high tension electric energy measurements and suggests criteria for qualitative assessment.
Presents the theory behind, basic structure and operation mode of a new portable audit test instrument for high tension electric energy measurements and suggests criteria for qualitative assessment.