As a new study from McKinsey points out, the clean-energy industry doesn't have much in common with old, labor-intensive manufacturing industries like steel and cars.
Asia must burn more fuel to generate economic growth than the West, primarily because it is more reliant on energy-intensive industries like heavy manufacturing than other parts of the world.
A tax based on the carbon footprint of imports, the authors reckon, would certainly benefit America's energy-intensive industries, which otherwise bear the full cost of plans to reduce emissions.
Slashing support for renewable energies and providing tax relief for heavy, energy-intensive industries will only increase Britain's reliance on fossil fuels.
Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.
We will strictly control lending to industries and enterprises that are energy intensive or highly polluting or have excess production capacity.
The process promises significant environmental benefits in one of the world's most essential, but energy and resource intensive, industries.
We will limit the increase in long- and medium-term loans, particularly to enterprises that are energy intensive or highly polluting and enterprises in industries with excess production capacity.
The reason: Finland has the highest industrial-energy consumption rate of all five Nordic countries, due largely to its reliance on the fuel-intensive forestry and quarry industries.
Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy - intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.
Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy - intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.