The supplier needs to be active in improving environment-related performance indicators e. g. energy consumption per produced unit or tracking of waste separation and disposal material.
With the butadiene separation unit as an example, the operational performance and the energy saving effects of the thermally coupled distillation TCS-R, was analyzed for the nonideal system.
以丁二烯分离装置为对象,对热偶精馏tcs - R用于非理想体系的操作特性和节能效果进行了模拟分析与研究。
We determined the operational performance according to the separation requirements, and researched the energy-saving and the feasibility of utilization of the thermally coupled distillation.
A study was made of the matching optimum of the saving energy and the reinforced separation performance of hydrocyclones.
A study was made of the matching optimum of the saving energy and the reinforced separation performance of hydrocyclones.