Energy Star has a 20-year history educating the public about energy conservation and efficiency.
While many are Energy Star compliant, LEDs consume less power and contain fewer harmful chemicals.
Lenovo builds the two workstations out of 50% recycled materials making them Energy Star 5.0 compliant.
Energy Star says that CFL bulbs save the most money in fixtures that will be on at least two hours a day.
If a product has an energy star sticker, it means it is going to save you cash on your utility bill.
Energy Star is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products that originated in the US.
In fact, Energy Star recommends installing florescent bulbs in fixtures that are used for at least 15 minutes at time.
Requirements vary depending on screen size, but any 42-inch Energy Star–rated TV, for example, must use less than 208 watts.
PEER REVIEW: By utilizing the Energy Star program it will be possible to measure your property with other similar properties.
Then check that the light energy star is solid in construction and free of cracks and lines and if it is solid then well done.
Energy star was started by EPA in 1992 as a market-based partnership to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency.
Light fixtures that earn the energy Star save consumers money on their energy bills and reduce the costs and hassle associated with bulb replacement.
In chapter one, the thesis briefly introduces what medical grade adapter is and its feature as well as the requirement of different energy star level.
An advanced lighting package includes energy star fixtures and lamps throughout, and airtight pot lights to prevent air leakage into unconditioned space.
Fortunately, there's energy Star, a program from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency that sets standards for how much energy a given gadget can use.
所幸的是,美国环境保护署(Environmental Protection Agency, EPA)开展了一项“能源之星”项目,该项目确定电子产品使用能源的标准。
As a better LED bulb, the new Cree LED bulb has once again achieved the trusted ENERGY STAR certification by meeting all the high performance requirements.
The company claims to have utilized halogen-reduced materials to minimize environmental impact, while the monitor also meets EPEAT Gold and Energy Star standards.
戴尔宣称这款产品采用了无卤素材料制作,因此对环境造成的污染极 低,显示器同时还满足能源之星标准和绿电金奖(EPEAT Gold)的要求。
The system is designed to be similar to the energy Star ratings, which let consumers pick out an energy-efficient appliance without wading through complicated specs.
The computer industry has been working on improving energy consumption for years, says Katharine Kaplan, of the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star program.
美国国家环保署(EPA)“能源之星”项目(Energy Star)工作人员凯瑟林•凯普兰(KatharineKaplan)说,电脑行业多年来一直都在改善能源消耗水平。
Qualify, or private label at least one ENERGY STAR qualified integral LED lamp model within one year of applying to the integral LED lamps portion of the agreement.
Qualify, or private label at least one ENERGY STAR qualified integral LED lamp model within one year of applying to the integral LED lamps portion of the agreement.