The scorching summer left people enervated and listless.
If you feel enervated by the heat, try a swim in the cool ocean. It will invigorate you.
At Agra, A foreigner who has almost missed his train came to my compartment looking confused and enervated.
Together with Foster, these Visual Culture writers resonate a profound and enervated anxiety as to what to do about design.
The Battle of Marathon was fought in 490 BC, when the Persians became enervated by luxury and servitude, and the Athenians were animated by their freedom.
马拉松战役发生于公元前四九○年。当时波斯人在骄奢、劳役之下,颓堕委靡; 雅典人则在自由之中,发扬蹈厉。
The Battle of Marathon was fought in 490 BC, when the Persians became enervated by luxury and servitude, and the Athenians were animated by their freedom.
马拉松战役发生于公元前四九○年。当时波斯人在骄奢、劳役之下,颓堕委靡; 雅典人则在自由之中,发扬蹈厉。