The importance of shear wave exploration in engineering seismology and engineering geophysics is pointed out.
Area source in engineering seismology is such a type of potential earthquake source which the positions and strikes of genetic faults are uncertain.
The Swiss unit is a militia corps with a pool of at least 700 people ready for duty whose skills range from engineering, seismology, telecommunications and war surgery.
The contemporary seismology also needs basic research, technical support and scientific engineering.
It was developed and reviewed by dozens of leading scientific experts from the fields of seismology, geology, geodesy, paleoseismology, earthquake physics and earthquake engineering.
The integration of geology, seismology, logging, reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation is favorable for enhancing the prediction accuracy of remaining oil saturation.
A method for inversion of source parameters and velocity structure in seismology is used to inverse the velocity structure of engineering site in this paper.
A method for inversion of source parameters and velocity structure in seismology is used to inverse the velocity structure of engineering site in this paper.