Cities are engulfed with billboard advertisements which are expensive to construct, maintain and their subsequent renting is a costly venture.
When you've been rejected in love, not only are you engulfed with feelings of romantic love, but you're feeling deep attachment to this individual.
But as cold weather engulfed Western Europe, with temperatures dropping below freezing in Paris, London and Berlin, consumption of heating oil and fuel oil surged, traders say.
We sat in traffic in one market townafter another, each one hopping with activity that sometimes engulfed the car.
After the southern United States was hit with a rare "White Christmas" on Saturday, the snowstorms plowed to the northeast, where the major coastal cities were engulfed in blowing snow.
The scandal which has engulfed Ms Park centres on her relationship with a long-time friend, Choi Soon-sil, who faces charges of coercion and abuse of power.
With several thousand acres of the park engulfed in flames, the tourist season was cut short, and a large number of visitors decided to stay away.
The thought of vanishing completely from the world, of being engulfed in ineradicable darkness, would seize upon me and crush with it the very existence of the world.
Seconds later, flames engulfed the cab, and with a whoosh, the entire vehicle went up.
Engulfed by the darkness of the night, he continued to move forward in the wood, alone and with his heart filled with an unnamed fear.
A small boat was set ablaze and collided with a larger boat as the filmmakers had intended, but the fire quickly raged out of control and engulfed both ships.
Strange things start happening beginning with disappearing of Black Sea which is later engulfed by the crater created by earthquake.
Strange things start happening beginning with disappearing of Black Sea which is later engulfed by the crater created by earthquake.