Once you have reached formal agreement, you should enter into a contract with the other party.
Once you have reached formal agreement, you should enter into a contract with the other party.
Once you have reached informal agreement, you should enter into a contract with the other party.
Once you have reached a formal agreement, you should enter into a contract with the other party.
Article 157 for creating an easement, the parties shall enter into a contract for easement in written form.
Article 20 the Client has the right to appoint the contractor and enter into a contract with that contractor.
Article210for establishing the pledge right the parties concerned shall enter into a contract on pledge right in written form.
For three years, state aid may be granted to extend crisis management measures to non members who enter into a contract with a PO.
A party is entitled to enter into a contract voluntarily under the LAW, and no entity or individual may unLAWfully interfere with such right.
The parties shall enter into a contract agreement within 28 days after the contractor receives the letter of acceptance , unless they agree otherwise.
Article 4 a party is entitled to enter into a contract of its own free will according to law and no organization or individual may illegally interfere therewith.
Due to language barriers and lack of local business knowledge, many of our business migrants do not fully understand legal documents and are afraid to enter into a contract.
The transferor and the transferee, after arriving at the intention to make a deal, shall enter into a contract of property rights transaction, which shall be signed and sealed.
Article 4 the parties have the right to lawfully enter into a contract of their own free will in accordance with the law, and no unit or individual may illegally interfere therewith.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, with the consent of the insured to enter into a contract for the insured, the applicant shall be regarded as having an insurable interest on the insured.
Article 4 right to enter into contract voluntarily a party is entitled to enter into a contract voluntarily under the law, and no entity or individual may unlawfully interfere with such right.
Article 14An offer is an expression of an intent to enter into a contract with another person. Such expression of intent shall comply with the following:(1)its contents shall be specific and definite;
A car is the most expensive purchase many consumers make, and by buying a car they also enter into a long-term contract.
For an agreement to be a valid contract, the contracting parties must have legal capacity to enter into transactions.
Adhension clause is a kind of contract clause which is stipulated beforehand, provided by one party of the contract, and cannot be negotiated when the parties enter into the contract.
For a agreement to be a valid contract, the contracting parties must have legal capacity to enter into transactions.
It is a matter of fact whether the parties enter into the contract, but it is a matter of law whether of not the contract bis legal.
Article 144 For alienating, exchanging, using as equity contribution, endowing, or mortgaging the right to use construction land, the parties shall enter into a corresponding written contract.
Only foreign pharmaceutical companies that hold a trading license may enter into contract manufacturing in Vietnam.
Article 3 the pledger and the pledgee of a patent right shall enter into a written pledge contract.
Swaption: options that allow the holder to enter into a swap contract at a later date.
Swaption: options that allow the holder to enter into a swap contract at a later date.