Entire function, Meromorphic function, Exceptional set, Deficiency, Differential polynomial.
Looking at NLJOIN (8), which represents the entire function you see a three way ordered join.
Since the body of the callback is trivial here, we've defined the entire function inline as an anonymous subroutine.
Take a look at the entire function reference, pick a category and have a browse - you're bound to find something new.
The factorization theory of meromorphic and entire functions is one of interesting problems in complex analytic function theory.
In this paper, we obtained two results of composition growth of transcendental entire function and transcendental meromorphic function.
Finally, this paper designed a number of functional test cases to test the entire function; the main work is to test some boundaries of the function.
Recently, the goal is to complete a child system of entire function, and suit for this architecture, including image input, storage, transmission, process, and output module.
A unit of work may be an entire process, a function supporting a process, or a step of a business process.
When an entire site or function is created with the core purpose of lawbreaking, courts may pause before letting the defendant off scot-free.
The swinging function flips the entire device 90 degrees on its side so the user can sit on the floor whilst using it.
With such a function available, you could set up a Normal-mode keymap to invoke the command on entire files, like so
So, how do you instrument your entire application, including the main function, without some initialization for your profiling data output?
You can view the results through two lenses: The getRawResponse() function yields the entire, unparsed result, while the docs() function returns an array of documents with named accessors.
您可以通过两个函数查看结果:getRawResponse()函数将生成完整的未解析结果,而docs() 函数将返回带有指定访问程序的文档数组。
In addition to the data reader, another function, called print_file, is used to print the entire contents of the file.
除了数据读取程序之外,另一个函数print _ file用于输出文件的所有内容。
Not only will this reduce network overhead, but within EJBs, it also critically reduces the number of database calls by creating a single transaction context for the entire business function.
Virtually the entire kernel remains unchanged, save for the new object code and a few instructions to redirect the function calls.
One important incentive for architects is to make sure that the entire enterprise ecosystem continues to function, even in the face of changing requirements and capabilities.
The key objective of this last section is to obtain the details for a functional segmentation that lets us sort the entire set of users according to their role and function.
The thinking has been that as tyrannosaurs developed to a truly giant size, they needed to modify their entire skeleton so they could function as predators.
We believe Google could create a function to do full system backups without making the entire ROM space accessible to users if that's what they want.
The readfile function dumps the entire contents of a file or Web page to the default output buffer.
readfile 函数将把文件或Web页面的全部内容转储到默认的输出缓冲区。
In some cases, the entire fulfillment function may be outsourced, perhaps using an alliance with a company such as Amazon.
For this example, you create a count function to read the entire file into one big string, and then count the total number of characters and the number of newline characters.
Without a reference, you copy the entire array or hash onto the function call stack, and then copy it again in the function.
如果不使用引用,就需要将整个数组或hash 表复制到该函数的调用栈中,然后在函数中再次对其进行复制。
Since a function call is usually just a part of an XPath expression, an unknown function causes the execution of the entire XPath expression to fail.
由于函数调用通常仅仅是XPath表达式的一部分,未知的函数会造成整个 XPath 表达式的执行失败。
The DB2 z/OS LOAD utility, when run with the REPLACE function, would empty the entire table space.
Among his Suggestions were a "squeeze" function, to compress the entire structure (more compact proteins tend to have lower energy) and the ability to control the strength of the wiggle function.
The function defined and assigned to the onserverload is called after Jaxer loads the entire file and makes note of the all of the global server functions and variables.
The function defined and assigned to the onserverload is called after Jaxer loads the entire file and makes note of the all of the global server functions and variables.