Unveiled recently by environment minister, Tony Burke, the proposal would be the last in a series of proposed marine reserves around Australia's coast.
That's something German Environment Minister Peter Altmaier knows all too well.
That decision has alarmed Jim Prentice, Canada's environment minister, who wants the highest environmental standards to be applied.
When prices increased, Rösler and then Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen shifted blame instead of coming up with a solution.
This year, according to Antonio Brack Egg, the country’s environment minister, it will be 90,000. In 2021, if all goes well, it will be zero.
Its leader in the Chamber of Deputies is Zequinha Sarney, a former environment minister who is also the son of the senate's compromised President.
绿党的众议院党团召集人前环境部长ZequinhaSarney,也是参议院那位妥协议长Jose Sarney的公子。
During the meeting in Luxembourg, Italian Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo told reporters the agreement was unsuitable in its present form.
Austria's environment minister, Nikolaus Berlakovich, called for a European Union-wide stress test "to see if our nuclear power stations are earthquake-proof."
Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said the craze for Harry Potter in India has led to an increase in people buying owls from illegal bird traders.
But we need to increase our ability to enforce existing environmental laws before creating new protected areas, " says Environment Minister Mohamed Aslam."
但是我们需要先制定环境法律来提高相应的执行能力,然后才能建立保护区。” 马尔代夫环境部长Mohamed Aslam如是说。
Ian Pearson, an environment minister, said Britons must prepare to bid farewell to their lawns, as global warming is turning verdant swards into dried-up dust-bowls.
环境大臣伊恩·皮尔森(Ian Pearson)表示,英国人必须准备同他们的草坪说再见了,因为全球变暖正将翠绿的草地变成干燥的尘球。
John Griffiths, Welsh environment minister, said a charge was the best way to drive down carrier use, as voluntary agreements with retailers would not achieve enough.
Yesterdaythe Indian environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, told reporters theclaim that climate change would cause Himalayan glaciers to melt awayby 2035 was unfounded.
Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett said Friday the next two days will be critical as the salvage teams pump the oil from the damaged ship onto a barge.
Canada will pull out of the Kyoto protocol on climate change, Environment Minister Peter Kent said on Monday, dealing a symbolic blow to the troubled global treaty.
A spokesman for Environment Minister Marian Hobbs, who introduced the proposed banning law, said the transplant clause was a matter for Health Minister Annette king.
"There is no Plan B," was the Danish Environment Minister Connie Hedegaard's mantra-and the rest of the world seemed to signal its agreement, even if only in a murmur.
When asked whether asbestos should be banned, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh says, "I will have to study the impact. I haven't been able to put my mind to it yet."
Danielyan, a former Armenian environment minister, wrote in an email that she is keenly aware of the harm that resulted from the energy shortages during Metsamor's closure.
Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh described the meeting differently, saying it had been 'stage-managed' by European officials' to show they consulted everybody.
Richard Benyon, the marine environment minister, said: "Our seas are home to some of the most diverse species and habitats in the world and they need just as much protection as our land.
Former Environment Minister Jürgen Tritten of the Green Party once claimed that switching Germany to renewable energy wasn't going to cost citizens more than one scoop of ice cream.
Western nations are trying to use India's "profligate reproductive behaviour" to force Delhi to accept legally binding emission reduction targets, India's environment minister said today.
BERLIN (AFP) - Germany will extend the life of its 17 nuclear reactors by 12 years on average, Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen announced Monday after marathon talks on the controversial issue.
No minister is present to represent the taxpayer, the consumer or the environment, let alone the fish.
"But the money spent on junk food can reforest the entire equatorial belt," said Rachmat Witoelar, the minister of state for environment in Indonesia.
“但是花在垃圾食品上的钱就可以在整个赤道圈植树造林”印度尼西亚环境部长Rachmat Witoelar表示。
"But the money spent on junk food can reforest the entire equatorial belt," said Rachmat Witoelar, the minister of state for environment in Indonesia.
“但是花在垃圾食品上的钱就可以在整个赤道圈植树造林”印度尼西亚环境部长Rachmat Witoelar表示。