That is the verdict of engineers from the US space agency and aeronautical firms, who envision future commuters travelling by "skycar".
Being able to envision future scenarios helps foster strategic planning and resist immediate rewards in favor of longer-term gains.
"I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives," says Gates.
Airbus' developers also envision the air travel of the future as an exceedingly clean affair.
It's important to envision a range of short - and longer-term future scenarios if you're not absolutely sure what your future direction will be.
The capacity to envision the future relies partly on the hippocampus, a brain structure that is crucial to memory.
Try to look five years out into the future and envision what success would look like for both you and your franchisor.
The Audi Urban Future Award is a contest among six international architecture firms to envision futuristic cityscapes, circa 2030, with an emphasis on, ahem, personal transportation.
Look forward, and envision in great detail the future you desire. Then gather all your energy, and step forward to make it be.
True friends envision their future with you while fake friends don't even see their future with you.
真正的朋友把你融入自己对未来的设想之中,而虚假的朋友根本看不到你在他们未来的生活里。 。
People with amnesia struggle to remember their past. They may also struggle to envision their future, according to a new study.
Envision a future where undulating "solar plants" transform the rectangular masses of our cities into a vibrant metropolis where technology aids in the coexistence of humans and nature.
He can envision the future in light of what he remembers of the past. His powers of recollection are abnormal.
"We envision in the future spitting in a tube and looking for a marker like this breast cancer marker. It would be much easier to do, potentially at home," he said.
Do you envision this becoming a regular part of the average 401 (k) at some point in the future?
你会设想它在未来某个时候成为401 (k)的常规的一部分吗?
The scientists envision a future when the paralyzed and infirm may send email, surf the web and command other computer resources simply by thinking about them.
In the future, researchers envision synthetic genomes that are custom-built to generate biofuels, pharmaceuticals or other useful chemicals.
She credits several courses at MIT Sloan with helping prepare her to meet this challenge of a "company so in love with its past that it could not envision its future."
We could envision a future where users iterate together, and print from this ecosystem to Shape ways when their home material options aren't enough.
Secondly, the girl, who is still a college student, must have beautiful dreams of love and always envision a beautiful future.
As Siew told Mr. Hu, the two sides should "face reality, envision the future, put aside differences, and pursue a win-win situation."
Successful applicants can join the membership of Envision Hong Kong (EHK), the annual membership fee is HKD50. EHK's members shall enjoy 10% off discount on future programs enrolment.
本活动之参加者可申请成为EHK会员,每年会费为港币50元。 EHK会员参加本会的活动可享有九折优惠。
Successful applicants can join the membership of Envision Hong Kong (EHK), the annual membership fee is HKD50. EHK's members shall enjoy 10% off discount on future programs enrolment.
本活动之参加者可申请成为EHK会员,每年会费为港币50元。 EHK会员参加本会的活动可享有九折优惠。