The latent curing acceleration of the rareearth organometallic compound (MrAn) for the anhydride/epoxy resin system was studied by DSC, TG and rotation viscometer, etc.
Through applying a liquid modified aromatic amine as curing agent for epoxy resin, a high performance resin matrix system for resin transfer moulding (RTM) was derived.
The preparation methods of waterborne epoxy resin, the kinds of waterborne curing agents and the methods for choosing auxiliary, pigments and fillings in the system were introduced.
The choice of this paper is the epoxy resin and polyethylene polyamine curing system, and glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin system as the damping materials.
The influences of surface treatments, the pressures during bonding process and the thickness of adhesive layer on shearing strength were investigated with epoxy resin-DDS curing system as adhesive.
In this paper the effect of size of silver particles, proportion, curing agent and curing condition on epoxy resin - low - molecular polyamide - silver particles system are studied and discussed.
New HLX-1 resin Curometer has been designed and built, by which the curing conditions of T31-epoxy resin E51 system was optimized.
在新设计制造的HLX - 1型树脂固化仪上对t _(31) -环氧树脂e51进行了最佳配方和最佳条件的选择。
New HLX-1 resin Curometer has been designed and built, by which the curing conditions of T31-epoxy resin E51 system was optimized.
在新设计制造的HLX - 1型树脂固化仪上对t _(31) -环氧树脂e51进行了最佳配方和最佳条件的选择。