Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.
You can have a high IQ and a high EQ, which, of course, is a winning combination, or be high in one and low in the other.
EQ is sometimes more important than IQ.
While IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted.
Your performance will be affected by your EQ.
The eq and ne seen here are value comparison operators.
The eq operator can only be used to compare atomic values.
PRESETS - To access the five preset and one EQ defeat listening modes.
Besides IQ, EQ, AQ, HQ, there must be more quotients that we haven't known.
Read part 3.5 of the XPath 2.0 spec to learn about rigorous use of the eq relation.
阅读XPath 2.0规范的 3.5 节了解eq关系的严格用法。
New research into EQ suggests that success is not simply the result of a high IQ .
The eq function compares an argument to the context and returns true if they are the same.
Yes, his IQ is high enough for him to cmbrace the success as long as he can manage his EQ.
You can put available collations in effect to impact relational operators eq, le, and so forth.
The = operator I used in the above query, for instance, is analogous to the $eq operator in MongoDB.
例如,我在上面查询中使用的 =运算符就类似于 MongoDB 中的 $eq 运算符。
Perhaps in 2022, when we all attend holographic games at our home stadia, EQ filters will be built in.
If you'd prefer to be more strict, you can use the eq method in the query instead to require an exact match.
Directly below the EQ, there's an EQ switch allowing you to switch between processed and unprocessed signals.
EQ-36 radar systems will replace the aging TPQ-36 and TPQ-37 medium-range radars now in the Army's inventory.
EQ - 36雷达系统将替代老化的TPQ - 36和TPQ - 37中程雷达。
Music and microphone part, digital EQ and parameter EQ, expanded adjustable range, commissioning more subtle.
Methods Analysis the impact of the nursing team EQ factor, explore the emotional management team to improve care.
The others are eq (equals), le (is less than or equal to), ne (is not equal to), and ge (is greater than or equal to).
此外还有 eq(等于)、le(小于等于)、ne(不等于)和ge(大于等于)。
With production for both orders now running in parallel, the remaining EQ-36 systems will be delivered by fall 2010.
两项系统订单的生产正平行进行,剩下的EQ - 36系统将于2010年秋天交付完成。
The expression uses the *VALUE, *LT, *AND, and *EQ criteria functions to test for the condition CPU idle time being too low.
表达式使用 *VALUE、*LT、*AND 和 *EQ标准函数来测试CPU空闲时间过低的条件。
The EQ-36 faces competition from several sources, but current Firefinder operators have already shown interest in the EQ-36.
The EQ-36 faces competition from several sources, but current Firefinder operators have already shown interest in the EQ-36.