Such elections shall be run by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors.
We all want the same rights and opportunities, and for some things, such as women's suffrage, it was a long, hard fight to achieve equal footing.
British women do not enjoy the equal nights of suffrage before the 20th century. even in the 19th century when we British were in the heyday only 10% of British male population enjoy rights of voting.
Article 2 equal distribution of object of suffrage men and women aged 18 or above earth's natural persons as a natural person family.
They ve got suffrage, marriage freedom, relative power, inheritance and working right and women basically have the same equal rights as men.
They ve got suffrage, marriage freedom, relative power, inheritance and working right and women basically have the same equal rights as men.