No established church in Wales or Northern Ireland.
He has also established church system, the establishment of diocese, diocese of the SAR.
There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and Scotland the Church of England.
There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and Scotland the Church of Scotland.
There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and in Scotland the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland.
Is the established Church of England a keystone of a privileged power structure or is it called, like the man it professes to follow, to be a friend of the poor, the marginal and the dispossessed?
Many Spanish cities had large Jewish populations, and a great number of these Jews, who tended to be rich, able men, had reaped the advantages to be gained from joining the established Church.
Grandma would tell me that was the Gejishan hospital and mother told me that it was established by Americans. Mother studied in American church school and saw doctors in this American hospital.
Church and state, and the rise of the latter, established a long-lasting pattern of interaction.
In 1922, however, with diocesan support, Monsignor Quinn established the first church for black Catholics in Brooklyn, st.
Refusal to submit to established authority; originally the refusal of roman catholics to attend services of the church of england.
The fact the Donatists of North Africa celebrated Christmas may indicate that the feast was established by the time that church was created in 311.
In New England, the Congregational Church was legally established; all residents had to contribute to its support.
History apparently records that this was the place where Tateous, a minor disciple established a church which has operated for thousands of years.
Our church, Glory Chinese Baptist church, was established in 1999, on the first Sunday of October, in Fort Worth.
In 1944, Sister Maria from France turned the church established by her missionary father into a temporary hospital for wounded soldiers.
When the Vatican established a papal commission to study the Pill in 1964, many believed the Church was about to reverse the doctrine it had held for centuries.
When the Vatican established a papal commission to study the Pill in 1964, many believed the Church was about to reverse the doctrine it had held for centuries.