Therefore, Wang Fuzhi's esthetical image theory profoundly contains a value of metaphysics.
Women are resorting more and more to esthetical surgery to improve their physical appearance.
Life of play, an esthetical life whose basic element is beauty, is concerned with human feelings;
Only sitting room is filled with esthetical taste life can go as good as enjoyment, filled with vital force.
In the west aesthetics history, there are a few discussions that take the esthetical universality as the core issue.
Objective To investigate the esthetical effect of the functional repair of secondary nasal deformities of cleft lip.
Steel box continuous curved beam with its big span, little section, esthetical sculpt, is adopted generally by municipal projects.
Symmetry" is an esthetical factor commonly recognized, and the symmetry technique is widely used in the conventional art of our country."
Esthetical teaching of Chinese spoken language is a teaching process modified by esthetics, which is influenced by the esthetics principles and embodies those principles.
Nurse taste education is composed of esthetical basic theory, nurse specialty thinking, occupational moral, nursing technology and skills, appearance and image education.
As the most famous film directed by Fei Mu, Spring in a Small Town laid the position of China's national film in the world by the unique esthetical, implicit artistic style.
Therefore, the inventive marine panel is thin and lightweight, has excellent strength or endurance, and exhibits a superior sound insulating effect with high esthetical value.
因此,本 发明的船用板材更薄更轻,具有很好的强度或耐用性,并且表现出优异的隔音 效果,同时审美价值也很高。
It is an important process to enhance the students artistic education, their esthetical ability and the artistic appreciation ability, which is of great importance for the students.
It is an important process to enhance the students' artistic education, their esthetical ability and the artistic appreciation ability, which is of great importance for the students.
We proposed that architectural creation shouldn't just be safety and accordance with utilizing function, but should leave memory of esthetical quantity even soul induction in people's heart.
We proposed that architectural creation shouldn't just be safety and accordance with utilizing function, but should leave memory of esthetical quantity even soul induction in people's heart.