The Euro-currency integration is set up on the basis of European economic integration.
The successful launch of Euro has marked the real leap of European economic integration.
To examine the relation between standardization and European economic integration has important meaning in the studies of both European economic integration and the EU standardization.
The problem with the European model, in hindsight, is that the initial aim of limited economic integration developed its own momentum.
The European Community, a regional economic integration organization, will also participate as a Party.
Hitherto European integration has been pushed through economic liberalisation.
Charlemagne, our European column, on why plans for closer economic integration in the euro zone could cause trouble.
In many aspects, it is different from another two regional economic integration organizations of free trade areas: the European Union and the North America.
This paper first introduces general theories of economic integration and optimal currency area and reviews the history of European Union and European economic and Monetary Union.
The structural integration of the Chinese economy to that of the core spatial economy of the world such as the United States, European Union and Japan makes it a trans-Asian economic actor.
The structural integration of the Chinese economy to that of the core spatial economy of the world such as the United States, European Union and Japan makes it a trans-Asian economic actor.