That is 10 times the cap set for European Union member states and well above the Greek deficit.
Halonen explained how Finland's parliament works and its cooperation with parliaments of other European Union member states.
As an important branch of direct taxation law, individual income tax laws of European Union Member States have not been positively harmonized yet.
If the Commission and European Union member states deemed France's arguments invalid, France would probably receive an order to lift its ban, a decision it could then appeal.
Based on our review, we are suggesting that new European Union member states and Croatia consider a universal system of basic protection for all individuals requiring long-term care service.
Surprisingly, the European Union has yet to plumb the depths of this issue, as have most member states.
Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.
The European Union announced plans to test the safety of all nuclear plants in the 27 member states and China suspended approvals for new nuclear facilities.
“Debt restructuring in euro-area member states is not an option, ” European Union spokesman Amadeu Altafaj said this week.
“欧元区成员国债务重组不是一个选择”,欧盟发言人Amadeu Altafaj本周如是说。
"If there is a treaty change that gives Britain an opportunity" Cameron said. "treaty change can only happen if it is agreed by all the 27 member states of the European Union."
A big reason is freedom of movement within the European Union, which has enabled millions of people from the new member states to live and work legally in the richer part of the continent.
In most of the small, new, member states of the European Union, foreigners own the banking systems.
A number of regulators launched investigations. Yet their reaction varied widely, even within the European Union, where member states have supposedly aligned their stance on online privacy.
Across the whole European Union of 27 member states, unemployment rose to 9% from June's 8.9%, increasing by 225, 000 to 21.794 million people.
Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union, bringing the number of member states up to 27.
Germany is the largest economy in Europe and the European Union has a habit of imposing German prejudices on the rest of its member states.
The European Union has allowed 11 of its member states to introduce a new tax designed to discourage financial speculation.
This product is considered a feed ingredient in both the United States and member states of the European Union.
And the European Court has judges from each of the member states of the European Union. That means that is very difficult to come to a decision.
The significance of subsidiarity consists in providing a procedural guarantee for the correct choice of who will be the best to exercise the power among European Union, member states and other bodies.
The nature conservation law of European Union embodies the common environmental policy of this region, whose legal bond on the member states is stronger than the traditional international law.
Discount-Eligible: United states of America, Canada, European Union (All member states), Australia, New Zealand.
Discount-Eligible: United states of America, Canada, European Union (All member states), Australia, New Zealand.