Millions of people tune in every Saturday night to watch the show which airs from September right up to Christmas.
Every Saturday night, gathered MOFUN LOFT and enjoy a variety of band performances.
Design a plan and follow through with it: "I'll invite 10 people over for dinner every Saturday night."
Every Saturday night a meeting is held, in which there are oration, declamation, dialogue, and debate.
It helps me feel involved, even though I might be too busy to hang out every Saturday night at someone's house.
I like to tell Polly she and Rudolph can have the car every Saturday night till after New Year's, if it's all right with you boys.
Listen, Alla Pugacheva and Arkady Raikin could perform every Saturday night for a month and those idiots would still find a way to lose money.
We play artistic films every Tuesday, hold press conference for new books and artist discussion every Saturday night, and all will be presented to the general artistic enthusiasts in bilingual form.
Every week they have to learn a different ballroom dance and perform it live on TV on Saturday night.
Fight club is in the basement of a bar, now, after the bar closes on Saturday night, and every week you go and there's more guys there.
Every Sunday night I was heading to airports and every Saturday morning I was arriving back at 5am.
I sing with my Cousins a lot at home, almost every Friday and Saturday night, we sing about Sudan, we sing just any songs that come up with in our head, we start singing right away.
These days there's the cartoon network so every minute of the day and night is Saturday morning.
Books is holding a book every day, go to school at night to study hall, Saturday and Sunday went to study hall that is sometimes the classroom.
PEOPLE"shows in every night form Monday to Saturday, the length of time is 30 minutes."
PEOPLE"shows in every night form Monday to Saturday, the length of time is 30 minutes."