Write down everything and anything that crosses your mind, even the simple ideas that seem stupid.
The only thing worth fighting for is family, and I'm going to do everything and anything I can to end this.
“The only thing worth fighting for is family, and I’m going to do everything and anything I can to end this.” Lincoln says.
She's always telling me how her boyfriend is so well-to-do and buys her everything and anything, it just makes me so sick!
I would also point out that humans are a part of the natural universe. One could reasonably argue that everything and anything that we do is "natural".
And he grabs everything and anything, from his brushes, using both ends to his palette, knives and he USES his fingers too to drag the paint across in a sculptural way.
He's a skilled fighter, willing to face the most extreme dangers; sacrificial, willing to sacrifice anything and everything to protect his king and country.
China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.
She used to be annoyed with me because I would challenge everything she said and not believe anything unless someone could show me the facts.
I've never tasted anything like it, and ever since then I've been putting it on everything... meat, fish, toast, vegetables... you name it!
Depending on the extension point that it's extending, the plug-in can be anything from UI only, to no UI, and everything in between.
In marketing terms this is simply anything and everything you do to makes the exchanges easier - in short, reach the consumer.
I pointed the camera in the direction of anything and everything I found interesting, snapping away without ever considering what my photos would say and how they would be perceived by others.
Put your website address on everything: pens, letterheads, flyers, and anything that represents your company.
Virgo's are known to spend much mental energy on worrying about anything and everything, and can easily over analyze a situation because of the number of times they turn it over in their heads.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
Tell me anything and everything you like…write me a fortune cookie or write me a novella.
I went through my mail today, and got the usual batch of letters declaring that I'm wrong about everything, and that we should do the opposite of anything I say.
She never says anything good about them, and yet I know they are good decent people who give her everything she wants.
The hitch here is that, in Ultimate Reality, it is not possible to create anything, because everything that ever was, is now, and ever will be has already been created.
Some people who come to mediation tend to argue about anything and everything, including things that can be easily resolved.
I also knew that I wasn't missing anything, and yet I often had the feeling that absolutely everything could be happening while I wasn't there.
If you follow the path of yoga, you must be willing to change anything and everything in your life: what you eat, wear, and read; how you perceive, think, and act.
"Sometimes the customer asks us to empty out the entire refrigerator, wash everything down, and then sort through their stuff and put anything that's still edible back in," Friedman says.
"Sometimes the customer asks us to empty out the entire refrigerator, wash everything down, and then sort through their stuff and put anything that's still edible back in," Friedman says.