He is only staying three days, but he arrived here with everything but the kitchen sink.
We were only going away for a weekend, but my Dad insisted on taking everything but the kitchen sink.
Maria was trying so hard to get the question right, she was throwing out everything but the kitchen sink!
People who design operating systems in this day and age tend to have the "everything but the kitchen sink" mentality.
当今的人们,倾向于把操作系统设计成- - - - -什么功能都有。
If you insist on packing everything but the kitchen sink the airline will charge us a fortune for overweight baggage.
The Germans threw everything but the kitchen sink at us – rockets, fighter planes, anti-aircraft cannon, machine-gun fire.
As usual my wife packs everything but the kitchen sink but we still forgot the caravan keys. We spent the night in the car.
Example: she must have brought everything but the kitchen sink along on the trip, and how she lifted her suitcase, I do not know.
If you start to notice that she's expecting you to pay for everything but the kitchen sink, your credit card bill should be enough of a red flag to warrant an emergency landing.
We all know at least one small business website that seems to include everything but the proverbial kitchen sink.
We all know at least one small business website that seems to include everything but the proverbial kitchen sink.