So, researching numerical computing by Evolution Strategy, Differential Evolution Algorithm and Functional Networks have higher theory value and practical significance.
The evolution method is based on the theory of evolution algorithm and evolution thinking with self-organization, self-adaptation and characteristics of parallelism and global.
By analyzing the discretized density evolution theory and the differential evolution algorithm, a method is proposed to search optimal irregular LDPC code for joint optimization of the system.
According to the aircraft wake separation, the algorithm use biological evolution theory to find a more reasonable sequence to decrease the cost of total aircraft delay.
From the point of evolution and generation views, the principle of biology theory of evolutionary algorithm is discussed, and its sufficient basis of biology theory is proved.
Differential evolution algorithm is applied to optimization problem of mechanical design and the basal theory and steps are analysed.
The mathematics model of the multi-population co-evolution algorithm and the symbol deduction theory model of multi-agent system based on co-evolution mechanism are theory bases of whole paper.
The mathematics model of the multi-population co-evolution algorithm and the symbol deduction theory model of multi-agent system based on co-evolution mechanism are theory bases of whole paper.