In this paper financial permeation theory is applied to examine closely the creation process of firm value.
The sparrow is hopping frantically from one cobblestone to another. Truly herculean efforts, if you stop to examine closely.
Very simple, nature is where we live! If you examine closely what's around you, you will find many unexpected interesting things!
The real effort is to stay there, rather, in so far as that is possible, and to examine closely the odd vegetation of those distant regions.
From the visual Angle of new culture and modern literature, it is both an extremely meaningful an very urgent work to examine closely the mod...
In the face of severe reality, mankind has to examine closely again his own social and economy behavior, and self-examines deeply the contradiction origin of mankind culture.
This paper tries to examine closely the relationship between defamiliarization and the Childlike innocence, so as to make a brief comment on Chinese classical poetics and literary canonization.
Don't forget to make sure you are allowed to examine it closely if the tree isn't on public land.
Closely examine your own life for the parts you've let be suppressed - or suppressed yourself - and bring them out into the light of day.
SSB [Sichuan Seismological Bureau] has data that would let us examine this more closely.
On finding some level of coverage, you could more closely examine those test cases to verify their adequacy.
You'll also want to examine the error log closely for tell-tale messages and stack traces.
Mould once had to use low-quality photographs to judge a work of art being offered by a seller. Now he is able to closely examine every inch of a painting by using modern digital imagery.
When they'd show the working code to Jobs, he'd lean forward, his nose to the screen, and examine them closely, moving from the demo to the prototype and back again.
The next step, according to Nick Jennings of the University of Southampton, who is one of the project's leaders, is to examine more closely the interaction between people and agents.
You are made to feel you are there, moving through these places, looking up at the sky or down at the ground, and pausing to examine more closely a particular stone, boat or building.
So for your own peace of mind, just remember to closely examine any situation and then let your heart rule rather than your head.
In some cases, you might want to review an asset more closely to examine its relationships or its content for example.
Next, we'll closely examine the potential security advantages of J2ME-based applications over other wireless alternatives such as WAP and native applications.
The more closely you begin to examine different birds, the more familiar you will become with the wide range of bills.
If you want to examine how this program is built more closely, you can find it, along with the rest of the examples for this article, in the attached download.
The very fact that you have to examine the picture closely to figure out any of this at all shows just how easily we can be fooled.
Given the importance of the service specification discussed earlier, let's examine it more closely.
He recognized it as an old J.C. Penney card and then, when he had a chance to examine it more closely after he had surfaced, realized the name on it was familiar.
Researchers will closely examine the health of blood vessels and explore the biological processes that underpin the changes.
Before you consider debit consolidation, closely examine the proposal.
One can examine all this very carefully, analyse it closely, look for causes of disorder in oneself and in society, expose them to the light and perhaps believe that one will free the mind from them.
If you're an early human on the savanna, you're better off fearing all snakes than having to closely examine each specimen for venom glands.
Examine one ending closely or compare two to determine how comic endings resolve conflict and to what degree they restore order: social order, personal authority, justice, or the truth.
Examine one ending closely or compare two to determine how comic endings resolve conflict and to what degree they restore order: social order, personal authority, justice, or the truth.