Our concern is with movement between nations, not with internal migration within nations, although such movements often exceed international movements in volume.
The amount of nitrogen leached from sand soil exceed in that from clay soil.
Such damages may be accumulated with damages (if any) payable under article 10.1, but can in no case exceed in the aggregate 5% of the price of those goods.
19% of Americans exceed either the daily or weekly levels; one in 12 of those people has already progressed to alcohol abuse or alcoholism.
It is true that when there are start-up costs, such as credit checks, involved in serving a new customer, the costs exceed those of serving a repeat customer.
In this scenario, the working set memory requirements of all LPARs can exceed the physical memory in the pool.
Typically, the number of active service class periods in a system should not exceed 30.
The time of interrogation and investigation shall not exceed twenty-four hours in complicated cases subject to detainment according to these Regulations.
Growth is likely to exceed 4% this year-reaching 6%, in his own optimistic forecast.
In poorly ventilated dwellings, indoor smoke can exceed acceptable levels for small particles in outdoor air 100-fold.
In the United States it will soon exceed 10%.
The researchers say more studies are needed with longer follow up, which did not exceed 12 weeks in the studies reviewed.
Customers may choose to leverage a larger page size to get more data on the page — for example, a 16 KB page size can support tables that exceed 64 GB in size.
These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job.
In denomination of US dollars, Chinese economy will exceed Japanese this year, while in terms of purchasing power, China has long surpassed Japan as the second economic entity.
Although the buffer pool did not exceed 1 GB in the large-database tests, the smaller database and greater concurrency tests used every Megabyte possible.
The operational quality of service characteristics offered by the provider must exceed those in the service specification, since the mediation can typically only degrade such characteristics.
The revised proposal now applies only to iron ore and coal, and would kick in only when profits exceed 12% rather than the 5% in the original plan.
You can provide a fully-qualified path as long as the APPLICID string does not exceed 256 characters in length.
The panel urged that the tests be repeated, since unemployment is expected to exceed the level envisaged in the worst-case scenario.
Unfortunately, the total sum of files may not exceed 200mb in the case of multiple uploads.
Relative to GDP, foreign Banks' assets in the region far exceed those in emerging Asian markets at the time of the crisis that swept across Asia in the late 1990s (see chart 2).
The IMF states that “growth in 2011 is likely to exceed earlier expectations”.
IMF则指出法国 “2011年的经济增长有可能超出预期”。
The two year project will enable efficient postprocessing of time-dependent, aero-acoustics simulations that exceed 10 terabytes in size.
Case detection was 53% globally in 2004, and is likely to exceed 60% in 2005, falling short of the 70% target.
These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job。
These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job。