To investigate the relationship of thyroid hormones with excess-heat syndrome and deficiency-heat syndrome.
This work observed safety and effectiveness of Qingyan Spray for acute pharyngitis with lung-stomach excess-heat syndrome.
Sweating delays the onset of this critical heat buildup by dissipating the excess heat through evaporation.
Basement boilers produce the steam, and holes in the dome release excess heat.
For more than a century it has been hiding large amounts of excess heat in the world's deep seas.
Refrigeration removes excess heat and provides temperature control for food products in transport vehicles.
Excess heat can also contribute to fuel inefficiency, because the substances in gasoline can decompose because of high temperatures.
As other crematoria install new equipment to comply with rules on reducing mercury emissions, some are making profitable use of excess heat that otherwise would be wasted.
Because these reactors don't concentrate too much heat in one place, no active cooling systems would be necessary to cool them — excess heat would be dispersed in the ambient air.
Most of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide ends up in the oceans.
Excess heat raises the sugar level of grapes to potentially ruinous levels.
This is because the oceans are currently soaking up a lot of the planet's excess heat - and a lot of the carbon dioxide put into the air.
Humans were seen as the most perfect and thus hottest, while the male human was viewed as more perfect than the female due to their excess of heat.
Under the initial 18-month contract, Northrop Grumman will use improved materials and techniques to transfer excess heat away from semiconductors where the heat is generated.
For those UK crematoria that hold lots of daily services, the amount of excess heat generated could open up the possibility of selling energy to the National Grid.
For power the company USES the excess heat generated by existing industrial processes such as smelting, energy that currently goes to waste.
Probiotics are delicate live organisms and can easily be destroyed from factors during production or shipping, like excess heat.
Cantwell's rocket thruster, which was designed for use in spacecraft, can consume the excess nitrous oxide to produce heat.
Cant well的火箭推进器设计原用于宇宙飞船,现可用来燃烧大量氧化氮。
And when your temperature finally begins to return to normal, you may sweat profusely, which is your body's way of dissipating the excess heat.
Smart glass fenestration filters out excess heat and radiation from the sun while allowing the light and view in throughout the day.
With controlled pace and sequence of construction, excess heat disperses .
The sleeved barrels vent excess heat with each recoil, drawing coolant from a built-in tank with each barrel's return.
Lubricating oil is designed to effectively carry away the excess heat being produced.
Because it makes its home in an extreme environment, the desert hare is biologically designed to radiate excess heat through its lanky limbs and oversized ears.
To keep its bathers from shivering and its energy bills from ballooning, the city has developed some clever ways to reuse excess heat from two unconventional sources, computer servers and sewage.
Furthermore, excess heat partly warms up the building.
Excess heat can cause rubber to soften and break away in chunks from the body of the tyre.
Excess heat can cause rubber to soften and break away in chunks from the body of the tyre.