The pool of excess cash rapidly stimulated a thriving economy outside fort gates.
The excess cash has fed inflation, which neared a 12-year high of 8.5 percent in April.
You have a business that generates excess cash. Now, either you milk the cow, or you sell the cow to someone else.
In the medium term, as customers spend more and save less, the pool of excess cash in emerging-market Banks may shrink.
The deposit rate it pays to Banks on their excess cash is one percentage point below its policy rate, and provides a floor for overnight interest rates.
The Treasury can temporarily delay buying new bonds by using social security's excess cash but Republicans will scream that the social security trust fund is being raided.
Through the development of cash budget, the manager can identify the periods in which there may be either a shortage of cash or excess cash balance, and then make proper arrangement in advance.
Credit CARDS are not just a call to excess, but also a form of insurance against shortfalls in cash.
The answer is it's confined in temporary cash pools, whether in the Supplementary Financing Account or excess reserve deposits or in time-sensitive T-bills.
Excess inventory can eat up your cash, so ditch the superfluous stock and use better management practices to keep your business booming.
The Fed also plans to use reverse repurchase agreements to reduce excess liquidity. In a reverse repo, the Fed lends securities for a set period, draining cash from the banking system.
More broadly, however, these economists fear that an excess of ready cash in Europe and Asia is on the rise, which could keep a damper on global growth prospects.
How to distribute fair the surplus excess profit between the proprietor and the owner is the key of Discounted Cash Flow in mining right evaluation.
Washington, too, needs many of those same cash-poor, resource-rich countries as friends, but with little excess capital, U.
Don't carry excess amounts of cash.
A few years ago, in an effort to cut overall health care costs, companies started dangling gift CARDS, free cruises and even cash prizes to employees who shed excess pounds.
A few years ago, in an effort to cut overall health care costs, companies started dangling gift CARDS, free cruises and even cash prizes to employees who shed excess pounds.