The answer comes back once again to excess risk taking and leverage in the banking sector.
However, most of the excess risk appears to be mediated by substance abuse comorbidity.
In both cases, the excess risk increased with treatment duration and seemed to return to baseline 5 years after discontinuation.
Funds gap of securities firms is somewhat one kind of that of excess credit, which is mainly caused by excess risk faced by them.
Excess risk of fatal coronary heart disease associated with diabetes in men and women: meta-analysis of 37 prospective cohort studies.
According to Efficient Markets Hypothesis, investors of closed-end funds can't earn excess risk-adjusted returns which accord with CAPM.
Still, they point out, the use of low-potency inhibitors of the serotonin transporter is associated with an excess risk for any stroke type.
The too-big-to-fail doctrine, exhibited most recently in the TARP bailout of Wall Street Banks, distorts efficiency by encouraging excess risk-taking.
The study also confirmed that adding fenofibrate to simvastatin did not result in any excess risk of myopathy (muscle problems), venous thrombosis or pancreatitis.
Prof Hannaford told BBC Scotland: "We have known for a while that whilst women use the pill they have a small excess risk of disease but that seems to wear off."
Risks declined steadily over time, such that the cumulative excess risk of myeloid leukemia was no longer statistically significant at the end of the follow-up period.
"A situation where excess greed, excess compensation, excess risk-taking have all made us vulnerable and left us 'holding the bag' [left to suffer the consequences]," he said.
When the analyses were restricted to high-quality studies, the lower risk for nonfatal MI associated with intensive glucose lowering disappeared and excess risk for CHF emerged.
Thus, although higher BMI generally was associated with excess risk for asthma - an inflammatory condition of the airways - women who had large waist measurements were at even greater risk.
The WCRF has estimated that 19,000 cancers a year in Britain could be prevented if people lost their excess weight with growing evidence that excess body fat increases the risk of various cancers.
Excess nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients due to large quantities of feed imports, can lead to problems with manure disposal and pose a potential pollution risk.
Because blood is so rich in iron - and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron - any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose.
While the specific pathways aren't crystal clear, excess fat tissue in the abdomen is thought to increase the risk for asthma by restricting and inflaming airways.
The Mayo Clinic Diet says that is eating plan may help improve your overall health by reducing risk factors associated with excess weight and obesity.
Excess soy consumption has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, so limit your isoflavone intake to about 40mg daily (about 1 cup of soy milk or 4 ounces of tofu).
Maintain a healthy weight. Losing excess pounds — and keeping them off — may lower the risk of various types of cancer.
Last November, authors of a major cancer report said that excess fat was linked to increased risk for six types, including colon cancer.
The advent of these new investors may have been responsible for some wild swings in credit spreads (the excess yields paid by companies to reflect the risk of default).
新投资者的出现,部分导致了信用价差(Credit spreads)(公司为补偿违约风险而付出的额外收益)强烈震荡 。
Researchers in Germany report that even among people who are normal weight, having excess fat around the abdomen — being apple-shaped, that is — can increase the risk of premature death.
The Myners proposal appears to assume that shareholders are wise enough to prevent corporate excess, in terms of pay packages or risk-taking.
In comparison, carrying excess fat around the stomach, being "apple shaped", raises the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
And the excess weight has been linked to a range of chronic conditions, including asthma, diabetes and metabolic syndrome (a group of metabolic risk factors).
Even if those predicted default rates are high, the risk can be mitigated by techniques such as overcollateralisation, where there is an excess of loans to cover losses.
Even if those predicted default rates are high, the risk can be mitigated by techniques such as overcollateralisation, where there is an excess of loans to cover losses.