That's the highest percentage of an exclusive economic zone devoted to marine conservation by any country in the world.
It also refuses to withdraw its claim about the line of demarcation of its exclusive economic zone.
Due to avoid the wind and waves in the exclusive economic zone into the south, is a harmless to traffic.
The natural resources in the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law consist of living and non-living resources.
Beijing and Washington have also recently jostled over U. S. navy activities in waters China claims as its exclusive economic zone.
Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economiclife of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.
The spokesman said the Japanese vessel was operating in Japan's exclusive economic zone and remained in the area after finishing the survey.
Japan's assertion that Okinotorishima is an island and can own 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone is groundless in international law.
The training involves naval vessels and fighter planes shooting together at targets in eight fishing zones within China's exclusive economic zone.
China reacted angrily after Vietnam said a Chinese fishing boat rammed cables from an oil exploration vessel inside its exclusive economic zone.
Instead, China insists its exclusive economic zone stretches farther east to the edge of the continental shelf near the Japanese island of Okinawa.
With implementation of regulation of 200 sea miles exclusive economic zone, the contradiction between fishery resources and fishing capacity become severity.
In the South China sea, China has internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, based on the South China sea Islands.
In the South China sea, China has internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, based on the South China sea Islands.