In addition, executable UML will allow you to validate your models up front, before embarking on costly refinement of your requirements.
The benchmark for these executable UML pilots was a system already using full-scale MDD with fully executable models — that is, a very advanced form of MDD.
We put forth an idea that on the basis of the extreme modeling software development methodology, bringing in the technology of executable UML will make it better.
The UML profile for automated business processes expresses that complete executable BPEL artifacts can be generated from UML models.
Additionally, the mapping from UML to BPEL4WS permits a model-driven development approach in which BPEL4WS executable processes can be automatically generated from UML models.
Additionally, the mapping from UML to BPEL4WS permits a model-driven development approach in which BPEL4WS executable processes can be automatically generated from UML models.