Discussing the campus athletics culture has to do with exercise to keep fit, education, society, emotion function.
It is a good way to keep fit... I will do more exercise to keep fit. My classmates and I will get ready for the school sports meeting next year.
Consequently show, and the item that current school establish the athletics club have 2 item, can't satisfy the student to do exercise to keep fit the demand.
Keep Match Fit – Exercise your writing muscles, the more your practice the more you improve. Comments should be short, fast, to the point and make an impact.
Exercise may hold the key to youth, according to a study which showed people who keep fit are up to nine years biologically younger than those who do not.
In my opinion, it is worthwhile for people to take regular physical exercise so as to keep fit.
In general, keeping fit needs to do exercise, keep a balance diet and keep a good mood.
People who are not fit but want to lose weight should keep their pulse rates low and do moderate exercise for a longer time.
For my point of view, there are basic principles to keep fit—reasonable diet, regular work and rest, appropriate exercise and a good mood.
If you want to feel and look great, as well as eating healthily, doing a bit of exercise can also help you keep fit.
The key to keep fit is doing more exercise, reasonable diet, working and resting regularly and keeping happy mood.
Keep your sheepdog in a secure yard 'it doesn't require a lot of room, as this breed is fairly sedate, but you will want your dog to get exercise to keep it fit.
Another way to manage stress is to do exercise that you enjoy for 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week, to keep fit.
To keep myself fit, I'm not eating rice at dinner time and I always do exercise.
You must exercise on a regular basis, continually using every muscle and joint of your body to keep it limber and fit.
Good health is usually associated with exercise. But that is not the whole picture. In order to keep fit, you have to eat well, sleep well and generally feel good about yourself.
He takes exercise regularly, which helps to keep him fit.
He takes exercise regularly, which helps to keep him fit.