Now, let's add a second test to assert valid subject data and a third test to see whether the expected error message is encountered when we specify an incorrect TAG length.
现在,再添加两个测试,一个测试检查有效的主题数据,另一个测试检查在指定不正确的 TAG 长度时是否显示期望的错误消息。
This common error message indicates that the data being received or sent is not what is expected.
When the constructor is called, the fields being passed are checked to determine whether they match the expected fields, and an error is thrown if not.
In some organizations, it is expected that developers perform memory analysis before checking in their new code, to make sure that they did not cause an unintended error.
This error message also indicates that the data being received or sent is not what is expected, but instead of happening on the cast it occurs later when data is being accessed.
As you can see from the output of the command, it only returns an error if it gets a status code that doesn't match what is expected.
If the username and password match the expected values, this just returns; otherwise, it throws an exception to indicate the error.
This setting was only expected to be needed in a test environment, but if the pool size limit maximum is reached, an error message appears.
You'll get an error immediately if a mock method is called more times than expected or with the wrong arguments.
The following steps detail the files that should be verified if an error occurs while running a Tivoli Directory Integrator script or if data is not populated as expected.
The error is SQLException, error code ORA-00942; specifically, an expected database table or view does not exist.
该错误是SQLException,错误代码为OR A- 00942。很显然,是因为期望的数据库表或视图不存在。
"Learning seems to rely on prediction error because if the world is exactly as you expected it to be, there is nothing new to learn," Poldrack said.
Provides an interface that enforces standardized expected results (for example, "inconclusive," "pass," "fail," "error") during execution of scripts.
Click the toolbar button validate the transformation configuration to validate the transformation configuration created above, and no validation error is expected in the Console view.
Exceeding expected values or boundaries of the application's function (e.g., does the right error handling get triggered when entering an invalid credit card number?)
If the user role is not what was expected, then we redirect the user to an error page.
The resulting, new XSL stylesheet is then applied to each XML document and will, if the content is not as expected, produce the custom error messages.
It appears that after being primed with the word stupid, the brain expected to do poorly and did not show signs of surprise or conflict when it made an error.
The back-end system should not generate the error message in English if it is expected to be read in Cantonese.
Every time you call a function that can return an error, you need to be careful to check that your request produced the result you expected (or handle the error if it didn't).
ASSERT_DEATH is simpler than ASSERT_EXIT; it just compares the error message in standard error with whatever is the user-expected message.
This count can match the expected number of items or be less (even zero) due to a matching failure, a reading error, or the reach of the end-of-file.
However, often times the click method should be called instead, since it will also be thrown as an event, and it is more in line with expected behavior and is less error prone.
Otherwise, important steps involved when working with the JasperReports library might get skipped and error messages will be displayed, instead of the expected output.
The measured data of the mining area are used to verify the model with the expected results of the maximum relative error 9%, which can meet the requirements of mining subsidence.
Compared obtained value with corresponding expected value, error was sent to network with reverse learning algorithm, so that renovate connect weighting value.
It is a goal expected by designers of spinning roller bases to decrease copying error and energy consumption.
It is a goal expected by designers of spinning roller bases to decrease copying error and energy consumption.