Can you change the dialog initialization to explicitly specify the owner window?
It is wise to write more specific expressions that explicitly specify where to look for nodes.
WSFL requires that you explicitly specify these roles as part of the process implementation.
If you need more control, you can explicitly specify a format string for the using modifier.
You must explicitly specify NOT VARIANT when you define a UDR that is used for a functional index.
There is no need to explicitly specify a calling convention for exporting classes or their methods.
Alternatively, you can use the currencySymbol attribute to explicitly specify the currency symbol.
I strongly recommend that you always explicitly specify the classpath when you compile and when you run.
You need to explicitly specify the locale attribute to properly collate text for a specific language.
You can also explicitly specify the code page in the CREATE DATABASE statement with the USING CODESET clause.
还可以在CREATEdatabase语句中使用USING codeset子句显式地指定编码页。
It is simpler — and also more reliable — to explicitly specify the queue manager using the -m option in all cases.
The spatial Extender import procedures allow you to explicitly specify the inline length for the spatial column.
Spatial Extender导入过程允许显式地为空间列指定inlinelength。
To have the method split the lines based on a newline character, you have to explicitly specify the newline character.
You can also explicitly specify the return value of a function by providing a type annotation after all the parameters.
If you want to explicitly specify a remote host, you may do so by calling a different constructor of the PseudoRemThr object.
The following snippet shows how the <fmt:setLocale> tag is used to explicitly specify the locale setting for a user's session
下面的代码片段说明了如何使用 <fmt:setLocale>标记来显式指定用户会话的语言环境设置
Because GTK + employs the box layout model, you don't have to explicitly specify where widgets should be placed on the screen.
因为GTK +使用方框布局模型,所以不必显式地指定部件应当放在屏幕上的什么位置。
You can also explicitly specify the media-types formatters to use. This is useful if you have a custom media-type formatter.
You can explicitly specify the character pattern for how you want positive, negative, fractional, and exponential Numbers to appear.
It might seem limiting to need to explicitly specify the MRO of an object rather than rely on its implicit resolution through inheritance syntax.
Since XML Namespaces 1.0 does not allow application of the default namespace to attributes, we must explicitly specify the prefix to disambiguate.
因为XMLNamespaces 1.0不允许应用程序将缺省名称空间用作属性,所以我们必须明确地指定前缀来消除歧义。
In the database Managed space (DMS) method, you would explicitly specify a set of files or raw devices for each table space and let DB2 database manage them.
使用DatabaseManagedSpace (DMS)方法时,需要显式地为每个表指定一组文件或原始设备,并让DB 2数据库管理它们。
In order to take advantage of static batching, you need explicitly specify that certain objects are static and will not move, rotate or scale in the game.
When you use channels directly, you have the ability to explicitly specify timeouts on a per-channel or per-operation-basis, or on any other custom basis.
At the time of the invocation, you will not explicitly specify any port for communication. Instead, you will get a default port associated with the Web service.
This necessity presents a design problem, however: in order to specify a later option, the user will have to explicitly specify all the options before it as well.
He should be able to explicitly specify that a given email message pertains to a specific value, whether or not that value is quoted verbatim in the message.
When the type attribute has a value of currency, the currencyCode attribute can be used to explicitly specify the currency for the numerical value being displayed.
However, if you do not use a user mapping, ensure that you explicitly specify the user ID and password when you connect to the federated database. For example.
As noted in the discussion of the Add2Integers program in Chapter 2, you must explicitly specify the data type of each variable when you introduce it into a program.