This prevents attempts to disguise requests for dangerous file name extensions by putting a safe file name extension in the path information or query string portion of the URL.
Actually,.rsa and.pgp are other options for the extension name of a signature binary file, depending on different algorithms to be used.
实际上,还可以选择. RSA和.PG P作为二进制签名文件的扩展名,这取决于所使用的算法。
An imported extension mapping document is automatically given a name based on the file from which it was imported.
The report data is not made available as part of the body of the presentation data; rather, it is available only as an attachment with the XLS file name extension.
Save this file with a name that will make sense for the recipient, and change the file extension from TXT to NDL.
The attachment contains the report data in text format in a file with the file name extension DOC.
They are made up of a list of file name extensions, and each extension appears on its own line.
The report data is not made available as part of the body of the presentation data; rather, it is available only as an attachment with a PDF file name extension.
报告数据不能作为演示数据体的一部分;相反,它只能从文件扩展名为 PDF 的附件中获得。
It also dynamically packages everything needed to run a DSL application into a XAP (ZIP file with a different extension name) and serves it up to your browser.
This method is often referred to simply as XPointer, which is actually the name of an extension of a specification on how to identify information in an XML file, known as the XPath specification.
Once you have copied a resource file such as Resources.resx, rename the copied resource file by adding the culture name just before the .resx extension, as shown in Figure 6 .
一旦复制了资源文件(如Resources.resx),就可以通过在 .resx扩展名前面添加区域名称来重命名所复制的资源文件,如图 6 所示。
The .crt extension for the file name matches the –format ascii option and will enable you to import the certificate later.
文件名中的.crt扩展名匹配 –formatascii选项,并将使您能够稍后导入证书。
If the start file is not specified, the default file is the file that has a name starting with index-usually with an.html,.htm, or.xhtml extension.
如果没有指定开始文件,默认的文件就是文件名以index开始的文件——通常带有.html、。htm或. xhtml扩展名。
You must also add the link between the resource reference and the JNDI name in an IBM extension file ibm-web-bnd.xmi as shown below.
您还应该像下面所示的那样,在ibm扩展文件ibm - web -bnd . xmi中添加资源引用与jndi名之间的连接。
The resource handlers should have the same name as the resource models but a.groovy rather than.json file extension.
资源处理程序应该与资源模型同名,但其文件扩展名为.groovy而不是. json。
The "bundle base name" is the name of the bundle file minus the locale specifier and extension (in the example above, the bundle base name is messages).
Additionally, it will rename the destination file based on the source file name, changing the.txt extension to., where is the name of the destination agent that the file is being transferred to.
另外,预定义任务将基于源文件名重命名目标文件,将扩展名. txt更改为.,其中是文件传输到的目标代理的名称。
As you found, the BUSINESS.DSA file and BUSINESS.SF files share the same base file name, with different extension names.
如您所见,BUSINESS .DS A文件和BUSINESS .SF文件使用相同的基文件名,但扩展名不同。
That is another reason why you used the ws extension in the Uml2SimpleRdb relation, so that you can instantiate the IFile class specifying the name of a file as a string.
Services should be archived ZIP files with a.aar (Axis2 archive) extension in the file name. Service archives contain the following.
服务应该存档为ZIP文件,且在文件名中使用. aar (Axis2存档,Axis2archive)作为扩展名。
The href attribute is set to the name of the TOC file and the file extension is set to "ditamap".
href属性设置为TOC文件的文件名,扩展名设为 “ditamap”。
For each participating server, add the DSAPI filter library name of the installed Authorization Extension (for example, to the DSAPI filter file names field (see figure 8).
对于每个参与的服务器,将安装了AuthorizationExtension的DSAPI过滤器库名(例如,libipwext . so)添加到DSAPI过滤器文件名字段中(参见图8)。
The file extension for the Axis2 service is .aar (the file name of a service will be foo.aar), and the file extension for module is .mar (the file name of module will be foo.mar).
Axis2服务的文件扩展名是 .aar(服务的文件名将为 foo.aar),模块的文件扩展名为 .mar(模块的文件名将为 foo.mar)。
All the other options are in fact the same file but with a different file name extension to suit the package.
The.c file name extension is a literal pattern that matches only a period followed by a lowercase c.
It could just as easily have pointed to the actual class, CommandExecutor, excluding the file name extension.
With one argument or if the second argument is false, the extension of the file name is omitted.
Using the XPath function replace, I take the original URL and replace the.xml extension with.html to create the new file name.
使用xpath函数replace,我获得原来的URL并用. html扩展名代替. xml作为新的文件名。
std::string basename(const path&): This is the complementary routine to extension: It returns the string before . in the file name.
stringbasename(const path&):这是与extension互补的例程。它将返回文件名中 .
std::string basename(const path&): This is the complementary routine to extension: It returns the string before . in the file name.
stringbasename(const path&):这是与extension互补的例程。它将返回文件名中 .