You can call again in a few minutes. His extension number is 2021, which you may dial directly.
Sorry, sir, this is the business center, I'm afraid you have reached the wrong extension number.
Welcome to call Beijing Junmao Law Firm. Please dial extension number, check number, please dial 0.
Either call this extension number 0085 or ask them to send the fax to you as E-mail, you print it out.
Each Dial Plan object that is created contains at least one subscriber access number or extension number.
If you want to have your meals in your room, please contact our room Service, the extension number is...
Fig5 Keep red alerts on those cards without extension number , handed out with a smiley explanation "we're justshavingssome new ones printed".
Welcome to Jiangsu Akcome Solar Science & Technology Co. , Ltd. Your satisfaction is our relentless pursuit. Please dial the extension number, or zero for the operator.
Hello, welcome to contact USA born, some business consultation please press 1, cooperating consultation please press 2, turn to the local branch please dial the extension number.
However, one source did claim that if he had one name and extension number, within a matter of hours he would have a good idea of who everyone in the department is and what they do.
Hello, welcome to contact the sea star company, business consulting please press 1, cooperating consultation please press 2, turn to the local branch please dial the extension number.
The first basic change presented in Listing 4 is the extension of the ACORD schema by adding an optional element for a party's social security number (SSN).
The basic idea behind this extension is to count the number of lines and characters in a file and report the results on a new TAB of the file properties page.
This extension would likely have the concrete effect of expanding the number of beneficiaries of parity far beyond the most disabled sufferers of mental illness.
At the time of writing, the version number doesn't seem to have any effect on the functionality of the product extension.
Extension tags can be mixed with regular bean definitions, and any number of namespaces can be imported and used in the same document.
Currently ScaleUp is used by MySpace to handle 25 million uploads per day, and they say they reduced the number of uploading servers after installing the IIS extension.
Reducing the number of AIX Version 6 supported kernels reduces the development costs for IBM and kernel extension providers.
The number of new countries reporting human cases increased from 4 to 9 after October 2005, following the geographical extension of outbreaks among avian populations.
And, as I mentioned earlier, we can generate any number of bean definitions we want from an extension tag.
The release comes with a number of improvements, including a Firefox 3 extension. Mark Finkle details this update.
In addition to mapping the incoming Web request's file extension to the appropriate ISAPI extension, IIS also performs a number of other tasks.
A NamespaceHandler processing a Spring 2.0 extension tag can create any number of bean definitions from an extension tag.
处理Spring 2.0扩展标签的NamespaceHandler可以从一个扩展标签创建任意数目的bean定义。
For a number of reasons, companies are having to work harder to protect their reputation-and, by extension, the environment in which they do business.
For a number of reasons, companies are having to work harder to protect their reputation-and, by extension, the environment in which they do business.